Montage de notre piscine Waterair

Montage de notre piscine Waterair

Blondes and Blythe Brunettes at an attractive price!

My name is Yelena. Engaged in the creation of cute and beautiful dolls Blythe (Blythe)
I want to offer to your judgment these creatures pleasing the eye. All the details on my website

- Will arrive nicely and securely packed
- And one more important point - the doll is not for active children's games !!! (Or rather, the purchase for children is at the discretion of the parents :). Yet more for aesthetics and for girls over :)))
- A heavy doll with its own eye mechanism and the ability to switch 4 pairs of eyes.
- Body hinged !!! All clothes in miniature 1/6 I sew exclusively by myself. Boots I sew by hand myself.
- Eyes glass with the effect of flicker, I also make myself.
-Make carving (sawed nose, lips, cheeks, chin). Raised "look" made "sleeping eyelids." Replacing eyelashes with realistic ones. Make is made by prof. Pastel, fixed by special means.
- Will arrive in the outfit that is presented on the doll.
More photos on request. ((
I never use photoshop for photo editing! However, the color of the product may differ slightly due to the difference in the color rendition of the monitor of your devices !!!
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